We're located along Argwings Kodhek Road, The Nairobi Hospital, Anderson Centre, 2nd Floor


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms and treatment in Kenya

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? It is a common condition characterized by hormonal imbalance that may affect ovulation. It is usually found among women of reproductive age, between 18 and 50 years. In this condition, ovaries tend to have many small fluid-filled collections looking like small balloons on them (cysts) What causes it? It…
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Ovarian cysts symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment in Kenya

Ovarian cysts are sacs that are full with fluid in or on the ovary. There are variety of cysts that occur on the female organ. They are harmless and therefore have no symptoms.   The ovarian cysts can disappear in few months. If they persist, the cysts can cause complications. Here are more about the…
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Uterine fibroids symptoms, causes and treatment in Kenya

Uterine fibroids are non cancerous growth around the uterus. The masses vary in size and are made in fibrous tissue and muscles. They are also known as Myomas. Majority women come to realize they are suffering from fibroids after a long period of time as you can barely feel the symptoms. Fibroids are as a…
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Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI)- diagnosis and treatment in Kenya

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the infection of the urinary tract or system. The urinary system comprises the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters. When there is an infection in any or all of these parts, one is said to have a urinary tract infection. It is common to both males and females, and some of…
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postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage in Kenya

Postpartum hemorrhage is a serious condition that causes excessive blood loss. It can be fatal. It occurs after child birth or before 12 weeks after delivery. There are different causes, risks, and treatment procedures for postpartum hemorrhage. Blood of about 500 ml is lost during vaginal delivery. Discover more about the complication. What is postpartum…
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Gestational diabetes in Kenya

Gestational diabetes is the high glucose level that developing during pregnancy and disappears after conceive. It occurs during the late stage of pregnancy or the third trimester. Sometimes it is in the second trimester. Every year 2% to 10% of the pregnant mothers suffer from Gestational diabetes. It is glucose intolerance to some extent. The…
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Menstrual suppression

Menstrual suppression is the pausing or altering the monthly shedding of the endometrial lining within human menstrual cycle. Manipulating the menstrual cycle is safe when you as it uses the hormonal contraceptives. Even though other people use it for the intimate moments. Women with painful menstruation, excessive blood loss, and burden of menstrual hygiene are…
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placenta praevia

Placenta previa in Kenya

Placenta previa is a complication during pregnancy, making the placenta to partially or completely cover the opening of the placenta. The condition has different symptoms, but the most prevalent one is bleeding during the 20 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes is painless vaginal bleeding. There are 4 types of placenta previa. Sometimes sex triggers bleeding. Read…
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Epilepsy and pregnancy in Kenya

Epilepsy and pregnancy are one of the widely discussed topics in women health. Becoming pregnant when you have epilepsy is risky. Getting women health expert to guide and advise you, can work in your favor. How do you manage Epilepsy and pregnancy today? It is one of the issues that raises concerns during seizure medication.…
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Pap smears and cervical cancer vaccinations in Kenya

Pap smear is a test famously known as pap test around cervical cancer in women. Here the cervix assessed from the narrow and lower end of vagina. The cervix is the opening of the uterus. Looking pap smear in Kenya and cervical cancer services? So long as you are 21 years plus, getting these services…
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